Wednesday, September 16, 2020

managing kids at home during COVID-19 and home schooling


Helping your kids with online classes and schoolwork

The coronavirus pandemic has thrown many of us into the role of  homeschool teacher. In addition to all your other responsibilities, you may be finding it difficult keeping your children on track or helping them with assignments, especially if they’re in different grades. Keep in mind that this is a stressful time for kids as well, and that it’s normal for them to regress or act out in ways they normally wouldn’t. Going easy on your kids can help reduce their stress levels as well as your own.


Connect with your child’s teacher

Create a routine

Get creative with lessons

Set goals—and celebrate their completion

managing kids at home during COVID-19 and home schooling

  Helping your kids with online classes and schoolwork The coronavirus pandemic has thrown many of us into the role of  homeschool teacher. ...